May 16th, 2024
12:00 PM
I. Call to Order
- The general meeting was called to order @ 12:07 pm by Breck Cook, President
- Members Present: Dave Jahn, Frank Wharregard, Serena Locke, Melany Klemmer, Stephen Simms, Nathanial Patzke, Allen Brown, Tim Stacey, Carlos Castillo, Chad Wiltrout
- Welcome and Introductions – Roll Call
II. Approval of Agenda / Minutes
Minutes from March 2024
- Allen Brown made a motion to approve the minutes.
- Melany Klemmer made a second to the motion.
- Motion approved.
III. Reports of Officers
Treasure’s Operating Report – March 2024
- Report Provided by Nathanial Patzke
- Melany Klemmer made a motion to approve the report.
- Serena Locke made a second to the motion.
- Motion approved.
IV. Guest Speakers
- Serena Locke- OPTA/PTN update
- Spring Education Conference was a success! First time presenting a course we created as a chapter!
- Day of Service was a success! Took place on a build in Ashland
- Stephen Simms- Oregon BCD
- BCD has officially Hired Wendy McKay’s successor- Maddison starts on June 17th
- Code Change Q&A sessions have begun
- Reminder to complete your code change videos by the deadline
- The governor has released her outline for housing needs
- On May 21st, BCD will be taking comment on the Mechanical Minor Label Program
- B-Level Plumbing Inspector Changes to allow the SPI certification to cover 2” and under water lines
- On June 18th there will be a RAC to discuss the expansion of the “Ready Build Plans” program to increase the number of plans available
V. Motion to Adjourn
- “Spring” Training has been rescheduled to June 27th at the Jackson County Community Justice Building
- Tickets are available online
VI. Open Discussion
- ABM will be at Driftwood Shores in Florence, Oregon on August 15th &
- 16th
- Book your room now!
- Don’t forget about the seafood boil!
- Electrical Code Changes to Island & Peninsula Receptacles
- Residential Code whole house ventilation requirements- Mechanical vs
- Natural
- Solar Readiness for ADU’s?
- Above ground pools- barrier requirements
- Re-roofing requirements for a roof with PV
VIII. Motion to adjourn meeting
- Frank Wharregard made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
- Chad Wiltrout made a second to the motion.
- Meeting adjourned at 1:16 pm
VIII. Motion to adjourn meeting
- SOICC Chapter meeting in Person: June 27th, 2024 @12:00 p.m. at theJackson County Community Justice Center during training.