Jackson County Community Justice Building
January 18th, 2024
12:00 PM
I. Call to Order
- The general meeting was called to order @ 12:16 pm by Breck Cook, President
- Members Present: Breck Cook, Ted Zuk, Marc Bangma, Serena Locke, Jim Akery, Tim Stacey, Gary Duckworth, Dave Jahn, Brian Lillington, Nathanial Patzke, Jay Stine, Frank Wharregard, Chad Wiltrout, Chase Browning, Steve Parks
- Welcome and Introductions – Roll Call
II. Approval of Agenda / Minutes
Minutes from November & December 2023
- Nathanial Patzke made a motion to approve the minutes.
- Chase Browning made a second to the motion.
- Motion approved.
III. Reports of Officers
Treasure’s report December 2023
- Treasurer’s Operating Report – Nat Patzke
- Chase Browning made a motion to approve the report.
- Chad Wiltrout made a second to the motion.
- Motion approved.
IV. Guest Speakers
- Serena Locke- OPTA/PTN update
- Permit Tech training class has been rescheduled to March 15th
- Spring Training Conference to be announced soon
- PTN Virtual Training coming in March
- PTN will be doing a day of service prior to the ICC ABM again this
- Ted Zuk- OBOA/Region II
- OBOA Winter QBM February 23rd in Woodburn.
- OBOA ABM July 17-19th in Bend
- Region II looking to set up a code committee with Region I & II, OBOA & WABO
- Region II is looking to collaborate with other associations for educational institutes.
V. New Business
- Winter training discussion for dates (potentially May 16th) may be hybrid
- class for Fire Alarms and Means of Egress.
- Upcoming Sprinkler Class discussion- February 21-23rd.
- ABM discussion regarding what type of education will be provided
- Building Code Forum- Chad Wiltrout
- Topics?
- Next Meeting- Zoom: Thursday, January 25th @1:00
VI. Open Discussion
- Membership Renewals- Reminder will come out
- Infinity Edge Pool Barrier Requirements
- Agricultural Exempt Structure Discussion- Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical
- Electrical work done during a Mechanical Minor Label installation
VIII. Motion to adjourn meeting.
- Motion made by Dave Jahn
- Second by Brian Lillington
- Meeting adjourned at 1:33 pm
IX. Next Meeting
- SOICC Chapter meeting via Zoom: February 15th, 2024 @12:00 p.m.