Community Justice
Building – 1101 W. Main St. – Medford, OR
February 28th, 2019
I. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 12:00PM Members present- Mark Stevenson,
Breck Cook, Serena Locke, Tim Stag, CJ Marincus, Chase, Mary Montague,
Jay Stine, Chad Wiltrout, Charles Purdy, Tannise Farrinaton, Alex Rodriguez,
Ted Zuk, Steve Matiaco
II. Approval of Agenda / Minutes
January Minutes approved by Chase 2nd by Mark
III. Reports of Officers
Treasurer’s Operating Report – Breck
- Reminder- Member dues need to be paid & Register for Annual Business
IV. Guest Speakers
- N/A
V. New Business
a) Request was made to join
b)Ted- Update on code proposals and addendums.
- 20-23 – concerning Wildlife Hazards R327.4 – Now
applied, not an appendix but in the body of code but
optional to enforce. - 20-01 – Concerning increasing population density –
low-rise structures or “cottage-clusters”, combining new and
existing construction, code enforcement issues. - Senate Bill – 88 – Concerning creating extra
living/dwelling space or unit on a 2+ acre parcel.
-Mark noted possible problems with DEQ.
-26-63 – Concerning the conversion of a SFD into
Commercial use, and requirements. - 24-20 – Concerning the requirements for a B.O. in a
jurisdiction as well as A-level and structural inspectors. b)
VI. New Business
a) Agreement To donate $200.00 to Safety Region #2, 2.R program (board
member shadow in October) Approved by Matt 2nd by Mark
b) Social Media- Facebook and LInkin accounts have been
o Follow and join us on Social Media
o Stay updated
o Update forms on website as well
c) May- Building Safety month- Open for ideas
VII. Open Discussion
a) SOICC Future
b) Mark spoke about his intern program in Josephine County and how it is
a pathway for people who are interested in becoming an inspector.
c) Mark was recently elected on the OBOA board
d) CJ opened the floor to ideas on getting people involved for CEUs.
a. Boise Cascade
b. Truss Joist
c. Webinars as a group
e) Discussion on code/ inspection procedures.
a. Vapor retarder on insulation calls out Class 2 – clarification
b. Ashland doing a 2 tag system for gas lines. All other jurisdictions
performing a 2 inspection 1 tag.
c. Verifying insulation R-5 on backflow devices
VIII. Next Meeting
February 28th 2019
Community Justice Building – 1101 W. Main St Medford, OR
Meeting closed by Derek 2nd Matthew Potts
@ 1:12 PM
View Meeting Minutes PDF