April 2019 Meeting Minutes

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April 2024 Meeting Minutes

SOUTHERN OREGON CHAPTERINTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL~ MINUTES ~ ZOOMApril 18th, 202412:00 PM I. Call to Order II. Approval of Agenda / Minutes Minutes from March 2024 III. Reports of Officers Treasure’s

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March 2024 Meeting Minutes

SOUTHERN OREGON CHAPTERINTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL~ MINUTES ~ ZOOMMarch 21st, 202412:00 PM I. Call to Order II. Approval of Agenda / Minutes Minutes from February 2024 III. Reports of Officers Treasure’s

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April 18, 2019
12:00 PM
Attendance: CJ Marincus, Steve Matico, Jack Applegate,
Breck Cook, Cliff Pettigrew, Derek Neff, Robert Rice, Kyle
Ward, Matthew Potts, Jim Akery, Jay Stine, Mary Montague,
Chad Wiltrout, Serena Locke, Derek Zwaterman

I. Call to Order

Welcome and Introductions – Roll Call

II. Approval of minutes

Minutes from March 28th 2019 – Monthly Business meeting –
Motioned by Chad, 2nd by Derek Z

III. Reports of Officers

  • Treasure’s Operating Report – Breck
    -Make sure to pay membership dues & Lunch
    Motioned by Robert, 2nd Derek N

IV. Guest Speakers

Jack Applegate – NW Codes Professionals & ICC Region II
-Spoke on House Bill 24-20- concerning requirements of
jurisdictions and third party involvement.

  • Requirements for B.O.
  • Refers to Ethics of Building Inspector and Plans Reviewer
  • See House Bill 24-20 for more info
    -Region II – is reworking website
  • Sponsors to help increase funds
  • Pushing to get CEU availability
  • Mentoring program
  • Already have $9,000 committed to the program
    -Region II – has Veteran benefits, scholarship and training,
    -Submit Resume and Contact Jack for any further
    questions or interest.

V. Unfinished Business

a. Sharing Forms / Handouts between jurisdictions – Steve
b. 2019 Membership Dues – Website has been updated to
reflect current year. –CJ
c. CJ- mentioned August 22-23rd will be the Annual Business
Meeting at Gold Beach with more details to come.
i. Interest in doing Jet boats over Annual Business
Meeting – contact CJ for head count
d. Building Safety Month (May) – Matt – No luck with securing a
venue or involvement in community – If you have ideas
please contact Matt.

VI. New Business

a. 2015 IRC Wood Wall Bracing 6hr class June 20th

  • Registration is open. Sign up today Online
    b. Trailer Concerns
  • SOCICC trailer will need to be moved by My 1st. –
    discussion on deciding if the asset should be sold or
    kept for the future determined by how much the
    chapter utilizes the trailer.

VII. Open Discussion

a. Steve M. – Trusses and concerns determining who can
engineer fixes, modifications, ect. ANY engineer/ design
professional is able.

Meeting Closed 1:09 pm
Motioned by Mary M. Seconded by Jack A.
View Meeting Minutes PDF

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